Centenarian Love Transcendence E3
The fallout over beauty standards shifts the viewpoint of female diversity and beauty perceptions with some lingering consequences.

Centenarian Love Transcendence E2
With risk of an entire generation of families diminishing, youthful women set out to reestablish the standards of feminine acceptance.

Centenarian Love Transcendence
Premiere: This sci-fi romance story provokes awareness about the nature of love, age, and beauty in a culture shaped by technology and shifting perceptions.

A team of scientists performs forensic analysis of all data to identify what, hopefully, will be a minor adjustment to their research.

With time ticking away, the researchers must select between the best of two questionable choices.

Desperation sets in as doctors work feverishly to discover a viable method of delivering a cure to ailing mankind before the epidemic crosses borders.

Premiere: A tiny mite becomes the biggest threat to humanity in a sci-fi story about obsession, infection, and the fight for survival.

With decreasing life expectancy, Celeste hastens options for disfiguring her glamour rival, with a dastardly revenge plot.

Premiere: With the success of bioprinting organs, surgeons give model patients of elective surgery, who carry digital files of major organs, a fighting chance in operating rooms.

An authority on wisdom preservation receives an unexpected visit that elevates his notion of lofty wisdom in this short story finale.

Premiere: A clinical researcher develops an interest in memory preservation to enhance wisdom. This leads him on a scientific and spiritual journey.
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