
Enjoy free fictional short story episodes each week. Membership unlocks a library of emotionally immersive and interactive experiences with images, audio, and music.
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91 episodes tagged Short story
'Social media strategy'

Twit Ticker Debacle

Amid questionable authenti­city, an eccentric billionaire offers to purchase a massive social media company, until data reveals a disturbing discrepancy.

'Bull and bear markets'

Financial Suicide

Even the wealthy can live beyond their means. A Wall Street executive climbs the corporate ladder before his world comes crashing down in this short mystery story.

Finale 'Young African American wedding couple'

Mixed Reality Therapy E3

Discover the shocking outcome of Ronny’s decisions about whether to get married, where to live, and when to raise a family in this dramatic sci-fi conclusion.

Scifi 'African American male wears virtual reality glasses'

Mixed Reality Therapy E2

To relinquish him­self from a troubled past, a man goes beyond tradi­tional psycho­thera­py into a 3D world that is dimen­sions beyond augmented reality.

'Therapist comforting black man'

Mixed Reality Therapy

Premiere: A man tormented by a past decision gets an opportunity to revisit that pivotal moment for an alternate outcome using technology in this short psychological drama.

Finale 'Detective clue board'

Family Values E2

Piecing together the clues results in some surprising revela­tions in this conclusion of a two-part mystery.


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'Master bedroom pillows'

Family Values

Premiere: For this criminal case, a detective is called to the scene of a crime with no victim, no motive, and plenty of clues in this dramatic short story.

Finale 'Granola cakes bento box'

The Room Between E3

Captives scramble to figure out the sig­nifi­cance of the number five and what is happen­ing to their members in this excit­ing conclusion.

Scifi 'Large dark creepy room'

The Room Between E2

With military precision, two men and two females volun­teer to venture beyond the door labeled not to enter with unanti­cipated results.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.