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194 articles tagged Woman
'Why Cesarean Birth Rates Are So High'

Why Cesarean Birth Rates Are High

You might take Lamaze classes, seek out a midwife, and have regular consultations with your ob-gyn to prepare for a vaginal birth and still have a cesarean.

Education 'Female upset by pregnancy'

Effects of Teen Pregnancy on Education

An unexpected pregnancy can interrupt high school or higher education plans. Rather than coping in isolation, get the support to overcome challenges.

Parents 'Female in exam room'

First Gynecological Visit

Parents should schedule the first gynecological consul­ta­tion near the age when most girls begin puberty.

Woman 'How Endometriosis Affects Pregnancy'

How Endometriosis Affects Pregnancy

Endometriosis complicates conception and pregnancy in many ways. If you conceive with this condition, have an ob-gyn monitor your health.

Cardiology 'Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Pain'

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

This chronic painful condition generally begins with pregnancy. What are the symptoms and factors that can increase pain?

Food '12 Effective Aphrodisiac Foods'

12 Effective Aphrodisiac Foods

Natural or artificial aphro­disiacs are things people consume to heighten senses for intimacy. Enjoy items available from your local market.

Gerontology 'How To Age Gracefully'

How To Age Gracefully

Women may worry about menopause and sagging breasts. Men battle enlarg­ing prostate, hair loss, and more.

Mental health 'Adult Effects When Sexually Abused As Child'

Surviving Sexual Abuse

Some survivors of child­hood sexual abuse can function well in society. Others deal with psycho­lo­gi­cal, physical, and behavioral symptoms.

Fitness 'Poolside female swimmer'

Sculpt A Healthy Happy Bikini Body

Are you ready to strap on swim­wear before lounging pool­side while social dis­tanc­ing? Follow these tips to get in shape for the summer.

Nutrition 'Yeasty restaurant foods'

Carb Bingeing Could Be Yeast Craving

Candida yeast, present in every­one’s gut, can grow out of proportion. Outsmart your yeasty gut with your grocery cart.

Cosmetology 'Facial Moisturizers in Your Kitchen Cabinets'

Facial Moisturizers in Your Kitchen

People spend much money for creams, serums, and moisturizers that, ounce-for-ounce, cost significantly more than natural ingre­di­ents on kitchen shelves.


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