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29 articles tagged Relationships
Relationships 'Couple argues in robes'

Cope With Your Mate’s Habits

Couples who are together for decades develop coping mechan­isms to deal with each other’s habits. Learn to sepa­rate minor annoy­ances from bad habits.

Emotions 'Depressed woman'

Overcoming A Breakup

Losing your first love is hard. Divorce is devas­tat­ing. Do you try to recon­cile or move on. How can you move for­ward with this hole in your heart?

Emotions '26 Common Pet Peeves'

Avoid My Pet Peeves

Your pet peeves can make or break a relationship. Find out which things bother you and your mate. Then decide which might change or are tolerable.

Woman 'Woman defense against physical abuse'

Used, Abused and Renewed

Draw strength from the stories of men and women who over­come shack­les of emotional obsta­cles to renew their lives.

Food '12 Effective Aphrodisiac Foods'

12 Effective Aphrodisiac Foods

Natural or artificial aphro­disiacs are things people consume to heighten senses for intimacy. Enjoy items available from your local market.

Relationships 'Cary Grant with Audrey Hepburn'

May-December Relationships

A May-December romance involves two parties having a considerable age difference between them. Who does it? What are pros and cons?

Mental health 'Intimate look'

When Love Becomes Obsession

After falling in love, devo­tion is the founda­tion of a long-lasting rela­tion­ship. For your safety, distin­guish devotion versus obsession.

Mental health 'Adult Effects When Sexually Abused As Child'

Surviving Sexual Abuse

Some survivors of child­hood sexual abuse can function well in society. Others deal with psycho­lo­gi­cal, physical, and behavioral symptoms.

Woman 'Will Your Biological Clock Expire During Pandemic?'

Pregnancy Safety During Pandemic

Outdated: A woman’s child­bearing years might not end at 35. Some women are push­ing the limits of concep­tion, but will you con­tinue pro­ducing viable eggs?


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