- age 16+ age 18+
Because it is a potentially dangerous medical procedure with long-lasting consequences, make certain the reasons are not transient.
Most men in the United States have been circumcised. Other than majority compliance, why is it even a consideration?
Nipple Eczema Mothers Breastfeed
Eczema can resemble more serious Paget’s disease. For your long-term health and that of your child, learn cautions regarding breastfeeding when suffering from either health condition.
Who’s a Candidate for Skin-Sparing Mastectomy?
To preserve breast for better post-op reconstruction, mastectomy may involve removal of breast tissue, without removal of the skin, nipple or areola.
Anatomy of an Estranged Family
Fresh explanation of Dead Mother Complex reveals why displaying affection may be more complex than you think. This might be the root of familial dysfunction. Use discretion on emotional content.
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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.