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22 articles tagged Maturity age 16
'Pregnant woman on sofa'

Your Water Broke, Now What?

When it’s time to give birth, amniotic fluid leaks through a pregnant woman’s vagina. How soon should she receive medical attention before it endangers the baby?

Woman 'Why Wear Bras'

Braless Pandemic Influence

Outdated: The pandemic is shaping fashion. Despite how amazing it feels to go braless, there are reasons why you should strap up.

Addictions 'Avoid Cybersex'

Avoid Risqué Videos

Have you begun the down­ward spiral into sex addic­tion? Do not allow your­self to become a victim of cybersex.

Parents 'Outgrowing Your Family Bed'

Outgrowing Your Family Bed

At what age is it no longer appropriate for small children to fall asleep beneath their parent’s or sibling’s sheets?

Woman 'Protect Children From Breast Ironing'

Dichotomy of Protecting Children With Torture

Breast ironing is a practice of suppressing pubes­cent breast growth in a mis­directed attempt to preserve chastity.

Emotions 'Why Your Mind Goes There'

Why Your Mind Goes There

What do you do when the personality familiar to you, your family, and your friends swaps with an unpleasant alter ego? Is it a harmless fantasy?

Woman 'The Battle Against HPV'

The Battle Against HPV

Virus that causes oral cancer shares characteristics with cervical cancer. Learn how to recognize signs and prevent human papillomavirus.

Woman 'Supine nude female in shadows'

Dignified Areola Comparison

With considerable variance in both normal and abnormal areola, a dignified human anatomy poster is available. It was developed as a health-professional patient guide for ob-gyn medical offices.

Endocrinology 'How Much Testosterone is Normal For Your Age?'

Normal Amount of Testosterone

Identify misconceptions about erectile dysfunc­tion medica­tions and testos­terone health supple­ments. See effects of testos­terone imbalance and learn how and when to boost it naturally.

Cardiology 'It’s Dysautonomia — Not Laziness'

It’s Dysautonomia — Not Laziness

Dysautonomia is a health condition referring to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. Learn how it affects various bodily systems.


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