
Kevin RRW, who has been writing and program­ming for decades. He provides insight­ful articles about pro­gram­­ming, creative writing, market­ing, and health.
387 articles by Kevin RRW
'Marijuana plant'

Should You Take Medical Marijuana?

How do you balance the physical and social rami­fi­ca­tions of taking prescribed cannabis products for neurological conditions?

Food 'Does Your Urine Hate Asparagus?'

Why Your Urine Hates Asparagus

Asparagus can be a tasty and nutri­tious vege­table. Why does this love affair end when visit­ing the toilet?

Orthopedics 'How to Get Taller Within Months'

Increase Your Height

Whether you are tall or verti­cal­ly challenged, you adapt to daily challenges. Some go further and surgically increase height.

Endocrinology 'Can hereditary obesity be reversed?'

Obese Because of Hypothyroidism

Being overweight has medical and social conse­quences. Can it be a glan­dular problem? If so how is it treated?

Pulmonology 'Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Prevalence'

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Prevalence

About 12 people million are un­aware that COPD is perma­nently damag­ing their lung air­ways and air sacs.

Food 'In Other Words, It’s Processed'

What is Wrong With Processed Food?

Is processed food a good thing? It is quite difficult in today’s indus­tria­lized society to elimi­nate all processed food, especially with deception.

Nutrition 'One Portion Size For All?'

Should Everyone Eat Same Portion Size?

Differences in meal frequency, food type, plate clearing or compensation at subsequent meals, may explain increasing obesity.

Woman 'Is Breast Augmentation Necessary?'

Breast Augmentation Regrets

Because it is a potentially dangerous medical proce­dure with long-lasting conse­quences, make certain the reasons are not transient.

Food 'Get Ready for Fat Vegans'

Vegan Fast Food Health Problems

The junk food that overtook the world, ushering in obesity, is now reaching the waists of vegetarians and vegans.

Neurology 'Can Psychology Help Chronic Pain?'

Cope With Psychology of Chronic Pain

Coping with chronic pain that alters how you live your daily life can transcend the care medical doctors provide.

Nutrition 'Obese man tying shoes'

How Much Does Pain Weigh?

There is a correlation between chronic pain and obesity. Will losing weight ease the pain?


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.