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20 articles tagged Endocrinology
'Pain Remedies Should Emulate Opioids'

Should Pain Remedies Mimic Opioids?

Opioids quickly address both emotional and physical response to pain. Whatever alternative treatment is offered should do the same.

Nutrition 'Woman getting thyroid checkup'

Easy-to-Swallow Thyroid Nutrition

Health problems from over­active or underactive can be quite severe. Enjoy these nutritional supplements to maintain a healthy thyroid gland.

Gastroenterology 'Fat men's bellies'

Prevent Visceral Fatty Liver Disease

Recognize, prevent and possibly reverse fatty liver disease. What is the relation­ship between it and cysts or cirrhosis? All cancers can produce malignant cysts.

Oncology 'Lymphatic system anatomy'

Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Lymphoma

Healthcare physi­cians and patients need to be diligent for early diagnosis, using multi­disciplinary medical treat­ment of blood cancers affecting the lymphatic system.

Endocrinology 'Facts Versus Myths About Diabetes'

Facts Versus Myths About Diabetes

Diabetes is primarily a diet issue. As proof, patients have been cured of it. This article clarifies seven popular myths and describes what it’s like to cope with diabetes.

Endocrinology 'Neck ultrasound'

How To Live Without A Thyroid Gland

Your thyroid gland is an important metabolism regulator. Find out why it sometimes must be surgically removed and how life following thyroidectomy is possible.

Food 'Nuts Prevent T2 Diabetes'

Nutty Idea May Prevent T2 Diabetes

In what sounds like a clinical study by the Nutty Professor, research shows that snacking on pistachios and almonds might prevent Type 2 Diabetes.

Endocrinology 'How Much Testosterone is Normal For Your Age?'

Normal Amount of Testosterone

Identify misconceptions about erectile dysfunc­tion medica­tions and testos­terone health supple­ments. See effects of testos­terone imbalance and learn how and when to boost it naturally.


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