ClinicalPosters News

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'How to Use Shop Pay on ClinicalPosters'

Enhanced Shop Pay

With security enhance­ments, you may now opt to encrypt credit card pay­ment infor­mation for future use.

Products 'Easy Shopping For Online Graphics'

Easy Shopping For Online Graphics

Outdated: With decades of experi­ence in the adver­tising and print­ing industry, ClinicalPosters has simpli­fied your online shopp­ing experience.

Technology 'Zoom Videoconference to the Rescue'

Zoom Videoconference Securely

Shelter-in-place orders leave companies and conference organizers scrambling for virtual meeting solutions.

Website 'The Best Articles You Never Saw'

The Best Articles You Never Saw

Unless you are a subscriber with an account who logs in two or more times per week, you may have missed some incredible gems.

Clinical science 'Handling Scientific Conferen'

If Scientific Conference is Canceled

ClinicalPosters designs and supplies both paper and digital scientific posters for medical conferences so you will not be left without a backup plan.


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Individual 'Statewide Shelter-In-Place Impact'

Shelter-In-Place Impact

Outdated: With available stock, ClinicalPosters continues to fulfill orders for medical sectors. Special order items may be delayed indefinitely.

Clinical science 'How to Prepare Clinical Posters'

Preparing For Poster Sessions

An effective clinical poster presentation can have a multi-million dollar impact on a large company’s financial performance.

Marketing 'Enjoy Our Newsletter by Email'

Enjoy Our Newsletter by Email

Are you as happy about receiving A Bit More Healthy newsletter as we are to provide this valuable service?

Clinical science 'ClinicalPosters Designs Scientific Posters'

ClinicalPosters Designs Scientific Posters

Select a layout style, color palette, indicate the due date, number of visual elements, receive an instant quotation, and place your order.

Website 'More Product Options'

More Product Options

Now select finishing options from a single product page. See contextual search results. Read four blogs.

Fulfillment 'Simplify Department Purchases'

Simplify Department Purchases Now

With pre-established purchase orders, distri­bute gift cards instead of credit cards to speed payments and track orders.

Website 'Year-End Checklist'

Year-End Checklist

Year-end plans depend on your job, the size of your family, whether you are enrolled in school, and your personal goals. Add items to this checklist.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing