Clinical science

Clinical Becomes Scientific—Again

Clinical Becomes Scientific

Clinical Poster Design

With a track record of producing custom scientific posters, the ClinicalPosters website was conceived a dozen years ago. During the past 10 years, ClinicalPosters has become synonymous with human anatomy posters and DeuPair Frames.

Now, ClinicalPosters is happy to highlight the original premise—clinical or scientific poster design. What has changed is the ease of ordering either premium scientific e‑posters or printed posters online within a new clinical science collection.

An elevated level of quality distinguishes the scientific posters at ClinicalPosters from those available elsewhere. We don’t just print out your PowerPoint file or have you drag elements around within an online window. These methods produce mediocre results at best.

With ClinicalPosters, you select options that a graphic artist uses to produce a custom-theme poster just for you. This can include professional chart preparation or technical illustration. This appeals more to the corporate customer than students on a tight budget.

Embrace Digital Format

Online conferences are thriving. Nearly 17% of the 2.5 million conference attendees include medical, pharmac­eutical, health­care, nursing, engineering, science, tech­nology, and business sectors.

They provide opportunities for academi­cians, researchers, and industries to explore opportunities for exchanging ideas, sharing resources, building networks, and increasing awareness of recent happenings in their areas of interest and research around the world.

In place of traditional aisles of paper posters we see more webinars and portals for scientific posters. These digital e‑posters have a far greater reach than paper.

They appear on the event website and perhaps other sites beyond the duration of a convention. Because they are not discarded after a weekend of use, you should focus more on appearance. Is the design one that reinforces your brand?

Opportunity For More Exposure

Scientific Poster Design

As the top-ranking website for the term “clinical posters,” is poised to offer customers additional exposure. The text abstracts, or facsimiles of the digital posters, may be featured on the site.

Anyone searching for your clinical poster would instantly see it. Where on the site would they see it? A useful location would be an indexed article section solely for scientific posters—essentially a dedicated blog.

Authors can combine sponsored articles, advertorials, and banner ads, content for optimal visibility. ClinicalPosters is ready to assist you with clinical science mastered since 1995. Let’s work together to announce your research while projecting your brand to others.

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