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9 articles tagged Clinical science
'Planning Events With Social Distancing'
Clinical science

Planning Social Distancing Events

Social events during coron­avirus con­cerns are not dead. They are just a bit more complicated.

Clinical science 'Clinical Becomes Scientific'

Clinical Becomes Scientific—Again

Scientific e-posters or printed posters are popular among medical, pharma­ceu­tical, nursing, and science industries.

Clinical science 'Prevent Clinical Poster Apprehension'

Prevent Scientific Paper Apprehension

Some scientists hesitate to submit research for peer review because of public criticism or fear of exposing trade secrets. How can you strike a balance?

Technology 'Zoom Videoconference to the Rescue'

Zoom Videoconference Securely

Shelter-in-place orders leave companies and conference organizers scrambling for virtual meeting solutions.

Clinical science 'Handling Scientific Conferen'

If Scientific Conference is Canceled

ClinicalPosters designs and supplies both paper and digital scientific posters for medical conferences so you will not be left without a backup plan.

Clinical science 'How to Prepare Clinical Posters'

Preparing For Poster Sessions

An effective clinical poster presentation can have a multi-million dollar impact on a large company’s financial performance.

Clinical science 'ClinicalPosters Designs Scientific Posters'

ClinicalPosters Designs Scientific Posters

Select a layout style, color palette, indicate the due date, number of visual elements, receive an instant quotation, and place your order.

Marketing 'Looking For Sponsors'

Looking For Sponsors

Some outside contributions provide value to readers. So ClinicalPosters is happy to offer a collection of advertis­ing and marketing oppor­tunities.

Marketing '9 Things to Consider Before Distributing Posters at Conferences'

Promote Your Brand With Anatomy Posters

For conventions and mail­ings, pharma­ceutical companies, device manufac­turers, and medical groups can imprint a logo on posters with custom layout options.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing