ClinicalPosters News

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'Maintain Car Battery Health'

Maintain Automobile Battery Health

More vehicles are strand­ed within garages while shelter­ing in place. In what climates are trickle chargers or a jump starters advisable?

Products 'Caring for DeuPair Frames'

Caring for DeuPair Frames

Congratulations on choosing quality. There are two parts to your DeuPair Frame. Here is how to make them last longer.

Products 'Cubby-Cheek Masks'

Cubby-Cheek Masks

We fit most heads, whether you have a very small or large circum­ference. Accessories include ear protection, head straps, and lanyards.

Marketing 'What is Black Friday?'

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is the day follow­ing Thanksgiving when retailers promote and sell enough product that account­ing records move from red to black ink.

Products 'Spend $100 On Useful Gifts'

Spend $100 On Useful Gifts

Find out how far you can stretch one hundred dollars on useful gifts for yourself or others at ClinicalPosters.

Website 'Scientifically Reviewed Articles'

Scientifically Reviewed Articles

Many articles are now going through an additional review process by medical doctors and scientists.

Writing 'Emoji 2020 News'

Emoji 2020 News

Remarkable year docu­ment­ed with emojis. 🦠🥵

Products 'Masks For Entire Family'

Masks For Entire Family

Everyone in your family should have more than one mask. Fortunately, we have you (and everyone in your family) covered.

Products 'Frames Cover Multitude of Sins'

Frames Cover Multitude of Sins

Not only can DeuPair Frames you save money, many imper­fec­tions will go unnoticed.

Clinical science 'Planning Events With Social Distancing'

Planning Social Distancing Events

Social events during coron­avirus con­cerns are not dead. They are just a bit more complicated.

Technology 'Zoom Virtual Meeting Primer'

Zoom Virtual Meeting Primer

Outdated: As someone who hosts several Zoom meetings each week and trains others to do so, I want to share a few tips to minimize frustration of participants.

Products 'Reach Sanitation Goals'

Reach Sanitation Goals

Now that exam rooms undergo more thorough sanitation between each patient visit, establish new safety procedures.


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing