ClinicalPosters News

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'When Can I Expect Backordered Posters?'

When Backordered Posters Ship

Inventory is constantly adjusted based on dynamic demand. Some backordered items are fulfilled the same day. Other times it may take up to a month.

Otolaryngology 'Best Human Anatomy Posters Are Right Under Your Nose'

Best Human Anatomy Posters Are Right Under Your Nose

View a fresh line of otolaryn­gology anatomy posters with 22x28 inch dimensions to supplement prior 20x26 titles. Choose the best anatomical posters for your oto­laryngolo­gists medical office or c...

Products 'Why Do Patients Purchase Anatomy Posters?'

Why Do Patients Purchase Anatomy Posters?

Don’t be shy about purchasing anatomy posters if your only credential is Dr. Mom. Just be certain not to self-diagnose and treat yourself. Leave that to professionals.

Products 'Lack of Grommets is Not a Mistake — It’s a Feature'

Lack of Grommets is No Mistake

ClinicalPosters high-quality lam­inate is double-thick, has luxurious satin finish, and includes UV light filters to preserve colors longer. This adds up to optimum poster for framing without gromm...

Products 'Large Posters for Small Prices'

Large Posters for Small Prices

Perhaps you noticed a growing number of oversize 22x28 inch (56x71 cm) anatomy posters among standard 20x26 inch (51x66 cm) charts. Why do these beautiful oversize charts cost less than standard on...

Products 'How to Buy Anatomy Posters Without Regrets'

How to Buy Anatomy Posters Without Regrets

Poster selection can be made by doctors, an office manager or nurse. If it’s you, learn how real-world usage and avail­able wall space have greater impact than cost savings.

Website 'Share Breakfast With ClinicalPosters'

Share Breakfast With ClinicalPosters

When do you visit Clinical­Posters? Stop by during break­fast or while sipping your morning cup of coffee. This site adjusts to your individual interests.

Fulfillment 'Google Pay Shopper'

Google Pay Replaces Android

Joining over a dozen other pay­ment options, Clinical­Posters now accepts Google Pay for Android devices. If installed on your Android smart­phone or Chromebook, you’ll see Google Pay checkout option.

Website 'Controversy Rises as High Blood Pressure Guidelines Lowers'

Controversy Rises as High Blood Pressure Guideline Lowers

Previously, 120/80–139/89 mm Hg was treated as pre-hypertension. Under new guidance, 130/80 is now stage-1 hypertension. At what stage of compliance are you?

Fulfillment 'Enjoy The Journey With Us'

Enjoy Your Journey With Us

Customer service doesn’t end when you click the checkout button. We invite you on an interactive family excursion through enjoyable ClinicalPosters features.

Products 'Why You Need Laminated Posters'

Why You Need Laminated Posters

Contamination is gross to consider Two-stage defense provides hygienic UV protection and a surface that can be disinfected by wiping away germs.


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