
Build a better website for blogging or e-Commerce with tips on writing, programming, and marketing.
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'Black Panther wild cat'

Enable Safari Dark Mode Everywhere

Automatically ease Safari browser eye strain across all websites with the click of a button.

Writing 'Seated female reading book'

Writing a Dramatic Conclusion

How do you conclude a heart-pounding story with enough emotion to fulfill reader expectations?

Technology 'iPad Pro 12.9 (2021)'

Upgrade to iPad Pro

The iPad Pro 12.9 is a significant improvement over its predecessors. What is it like to upgrade and will the user experience last?

Writing 'Two surprised men'

Mastering Plot Twists

Without them, your reader is not engaged. With too many, your audience is confused. What is the perfect balance for rewarding mystery stories?

Programming 'Female reading digital tablet'

BeyondWords Tips and Tricks

With advancements in artificial intelligence, and neural engines, text to speech provides a more enjoyable listening experience.

Programming 'Female listening to earbuds'

Add BeyondWords to Shopify

With numerous features, if you want text-to-speech on your website, you will strongly consider BeyondWords. Here is how to parse text for Shopify.

Writing 'Writer typing on keyboard'

Working With Online Marketplaces

An online marketplace can provide the boost you need to catapult a career as a writer or creator of niche products. What are some cautions to consider?

Writing 'Writer preparing an article for her blog'

Should Writers Have a Blog?

If you’re starting to write, you might not know where to publish your work. Should writers have a blog, or should they publish their writing elsewhere?

Programming 'Female squinting to read'

Choose Best Website Font Size

Websites may have humungous font sizes or text so small that it is barely legible. Eye strain reduces reader engage­ment. Learn to use respon­sive sizes.

Programming 'RSS feed blocks'

Enable Selective Shopify RSS

Hooray! RSS feeds for Shopify blogs are working. Manage multiple blogs on your site with a little Liquid programming code modification.

Programming 'Female podcaster'

Text-to-Speech Website

Activate text-to-speech on your website for longer visitor engage­lment. Use global Shopify settings to upgrade later.

Writing 'Group playing charades'

Avoid Homographs in Stories

Writers, do not jeopardize the emotional connection with readers by choosing words that have the same spelling but different meanings.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.