
Build a better website for blogging or e-Commerce with tips on writing, programming, and marketing.

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49 articles tagged Programming
'Excited man sitting at computer'

Exclude Page From Search

Here is a foolproof method to remove specific pages from your Shopify storefront search results.

Programming 'Hand on keyboard coding'

Start Coding “Today”

Revitalize your website with simple dynamic code that inserts the current day of the week on your home page or product pages within Shopify themes.

Technology 'Female face with AirPods'

Listen BeyondWords

With competition heating up, has BeyondWords created friction with their rollout of a totally new text-to-speech SAS web application?

Programming 'Surprised young girls profiles'

Speak My Language

How do you consume or provide content for a multi-ethnic audience in native languages? Technology is closing the gap with these solutions.

Programming 'Programmers hands on keyboard'

Multiple Tags For Shopify Blog

Shopify blogging is incredibly versatile because site owners have access to underlying code. Here’s a way to make multiple filter selections easy.

Programming 'Asian lady counting fingers'

Liquid Date Differences

Have you ever been perplexed by trying to add numbers to dates or validating an expiration date? Here is an elegant solution for Shopify users.

Programming 'Shocked female with open mouth'

Optimize Shopify Article Images

Speed up page loading for your entire blog without editing each image or sacrificing quality.

Programming 'Movie curtains film strip'

Substitute Shopify Blog Main Image

Shopify has a metafield option to link a file to a blog post. That file, can include optional text and override the featured image.

Programming 'Fingers typing on laptop keyboard'

Add Shopify Text Metafields

Are you excited to implement Shopify metafields, but uncertain how to use them? Here’s a simple modification to get you started.

Programming 'Programming on multiple displays'

Blog Article Collections in Shopify

The example Shopify blog includes multi-page articles with the first of each tagged premiere. Here is an easy way to append a second tag.

Website 'Black Panther wild cat'

Enable Safari Dark Mode Everywhere

Automatically ease Safari browser eye strain across all websites with the click of a button.

Programming 'Female reading digital tablet'

BeyondWords Tips and Tricks

Outdated: With advancements in artificial intelligence, and neural engines, text to speech provides a more enjoyable listening experience.


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.