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27 articles tagged Physiotherapy
'Man seated with athletic limb prosthesis'

Where Do We Stand On Prosthetics?

In the race for more natural solutions, prostheses need not resemble the ill-fitted mannequin-like appendages of the 1940s. Here is a summary of top prosthetics and where to get them.

Orthopedics 'Cortisone Knee Injection'

Pros and Cons of Cortisone Injections

People who are not ill respond differently to the mention of medication side effects than those who are patients. Take cortisone, for example.

Fitness 'How to Track Your Steps With Your iPhone'

How to Track Your Steps With Your iPhone

While research suggests a beneficial increase to 15,000 steps per day, a longstanding goal of 10,000 is common. How can you begin keeping track?


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