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40 articles tagged Mothers
'Outgrowing Your Family Bed'

Outgrowing Your Family Bed

At what age is it no longer appropriate for small children to fall asleep beneath their parent’s or sibling’s sheets?

Fitness 'Lower Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk'

Lower Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk

Take Action To Lower Your Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk CDC Infographic.

Woman 'Reducing Mammogram Pain'

Reducing Mammogram Pain

Facing discomfort for this brief moment is better than endur­ing months or years of cancer pain because of going undetected.

Oncology 'Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer'

Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer

What Every Young Woman Needs to Know About Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer CDC Infographic.

Education 'Virtually Ready For Remote Learning'

Virtually Ready For Remote Learning

Outdated: Your school clothes budget will likely decrease, with a focus on blouses, shirts and masks. Parents must also become tech-savvy.


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Individual 'Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation'

Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation

Compare 18 birth control methods. Vasectomies do not affect testos­terone level, erections, climaxes, or sex drive. Women may receive a similar procedure.

Woman 'Most Reliable Cellulite and Stretch Mark Treatments'

Cellulite and Stretch Mark Treatments

Who gets stretch marks and cellulite? What causes them and, most importantly, how can you minimize their appearance?

Woman 'Frightened black girl beneath sheets'

Protect Girls From Mutilation

Female genital mutilation, done by cutters or medical doctors, can cause long-term physical and emotional problems.

Woman 'Protect Children From Breast Ironing'

Dichotomy of Protecting Children With Torture

Breast ironing is a practice of suppressing pubes­cent breast growth in a mis­directed attempt to preserve chastity.

Urology 'Why Circumcise Your Male Child'

Why Circumcise Your Son

Most men in the United States have been cir­cum­cised. Other than majority com­pli­ance, why is it even a con­sidera­tion?

Woman 'Symptoms of Simple Ovarian Cysts'

Spotting Ovarian Cysts

In the absence of obvious signs that ovarian cysts exist, you might have a clue. The monthly ovarian cycle sometimes becomes spotty or very heavy.

Woman 'Mothers With Nipple Eczema Breastfeed'

Nipple Eczema Mothers Breastfeed

Eczema can resemble more serious Paget’s disease. For your long-term health and that of your child, learn cautions regard­ing breast­feeding when suffering from either health condition.


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