
Kevin RRW, who has been writing and program­ming for decades. He provides insight­ful articles about pro­gram­­ming, creative writing, market­ing, and health.
387 articles by Kevin RRW
'Leave Minimal Shopping Footprint'

Leave Minimal Shopping Footprint

If you are concerned about contracting or spreading the COVID-19 virus, there are things you should and should not do while grocery shopping.

Food 'Watch What You Eat'

Grocery Enemies

If you are not the one who does the shopping, there is a danger. Follow these tips to keep from panicking.

Food 'Where Does Your Meat Come From?'

Food Factorization

With in­hu­mane treat­ment of farm animals, are you ready for plant-based alternatives?

Gastroenterology 'Why You Need Endoscopy'

Why You Need Endoscopy

When is endoscopy necessary? Medicine may first be pre­scribed. After a few weeks without resolu­tion, diagnostic endo­s­copy is warranted.

Education 'Virtually Ready For Remote Learning'

Virtually Ready For Remote Learning

Outdated: Your school clothes budget will likely decrease, with a focus on blouses, shirts and masks. Parents must also become tech-savvy.

Internist 'Costly Patient Referrals Cripple Healthcare'

Avoid Costly Patient Referrals

Can HSA patient charts be flagged in a manner that alerts primary care physi­cians to limit expensive referrals?

Education 'Add Learners Plus Bullies and COVID-19'

Learners, Bullies and Coronavirus

Outdated: The goal is for children to learn and every­one to go home healthy. To that end, are states and city officials con­sider­ing all problema­tic scenarios?

Immunology 'Life During Pandemic Era'

Your New Normal

Outdated: Moving toward normalcy will be gradual and regional. Despite trials, you are a survi­vor. You have the ability to persist.

Otolaryngology 'Is Tinnitus Driving You Crazy?'

Is Tinnitus Driving You Crazy?

Tinnitus is one of the most frustrat­ing ail­ments affecting 20 percent of the popula­tion. What can be done about the inces­sant sound?

Education 'Covid-19 School Year'

Back to School With Coronavirus

Outdated: The United States has no standard across the country. Whichever way schools resume poses these challenges.

Vision 'Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month'

Children’s Eye Health and Safety

Telltale signs of vision prob­lems are squint­ing, head­aches, lack of concen­tra­tion, or reading compre­hension.

Cosmetology 'Benefits of Clay Masks'

Benefits of Facials

Washing your face once or twice per day with a mild cleanser before patting dry is one way to keep skin healthy. Are you ready to go deeper?


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.