'Female upset by pregnancy'

Effects of Teen Pregnancy on Education

An unexpected pregnancy can interrupt high school or higher education plans. Rather than coping in isolation, get the support to overcome challenges.

Emotions 'Disillusion of Racism'

Disillusion of Racism

I would like to believe that despite his­tori­cal biases, large swaths of people are not inherently bad.

Education 'Virtually Ready For Remote Learning'

Virtually Ready For Remote Learning

Outdated: Your school clothes budget will likely decrease, with a focus on blouses, shirts and masks. Parents must also become tech-savvy.

Education 'Add Learners Plus Bullies and COVID-19'

Learners, Bullies and Coronavirus

Outdated: The goal is for children to learn and every­one to go home healthy. To that end, are states and city officials con­sider­ing all problema­tic scenarios?

Education 'Covid-19 School Year'

Back to School With Coronavirus

Outdated: The United States has no standard across the country. Whichever way schools resume poses these challenges.

Vision 'Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month'

Children’s Eye Health and Safety

Telltale signs of vision prob­lems are squint­ing, head­aches, lack of concen­tra­tion, or reading compre­hension.

Food 'You Are Not Eating What The Label Says'

Not Consuming The Foods You Think

Ingredient replacement and unlabeled supplements can trigger allergies and deceive consumers into purchasing inferior products.

Nutrition 'Get Free Meals For Kids'

Get Meals For Kids

Parents can pick up lunches and in some cases breakfasts from schools within local communi­ties. Find meal locations throughout USA.

Clinical science 'A Little Monsanto In Each of Us'

A Little Monsanto GMO in Each of Us

Genetically modified organ­isms are in our refri­gera­tors, on our shelves, and likely in our diges­tive system right now.

Cardiology 'Dying of Laughter'

Dying of Laughter

Laughter is credited with alleviating everything from allergies to back pain and rhuematoid arthritis. But is there a limit?

Internist 'Doctors See Benefits of Ethiopian Practice'

Ethiopian Medical Profession Growth

The ratio of Ethiopian doctors has improved 3,000 percent. Learn more about this culture and how it is flourishing.

Prescriptions 'How Drugs Effect Body Weight'

Common Drugs Effect Body Weight

A consequence of smoking or drug abuse is drama­tically altered diet, which can lead to irregular eating with poor nutrition.


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


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