ClinicalReads Health

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68 articles tagged Doctors
'Diabetes glucose monitor'

Semaglutide Halves Diabetes Obesity Risk

Doctors call Semaglutide a game changer in the prevention of Type 2 Diabetes among obese patients.

Pulmonology 'Female brushing teeth'

Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Solution

Hospital-acquired pneumonia is killing patients. Yet there is a simple way to stop it.

Internist 'Surgeons in operating room'

Organ Transplants Are Up

Although organ transplants are up, the agency in charge of organ transplant is under fire.

Internist 'Empty hospital bed'

Rural Hospital Crisis

Some rural hospitals are in such bad shape, local governments are practically giving them away.

Internist 'Black male with white female por'

Should Patient Race Hinder Transplants?

Race is often used as medical shorthand for how bodies work. Some Doctors want to change that.

Mental health 'Female sexy doctor brassiere'

Exam-Room Paraphiliac

How might a patient manifest fantasies toward medical professionals and how does the physician community view intimate patient relationships?

Cardiology 'EMT chest compression'

Improve Your Heart Health

Your heart is a muscle that requires care like any other organ in your body. Don’t take heartbeats for granted.

Prescriptions 'Asian senior couple'

California Clinics to Cut Medicaid Rx

Budget cuts may cause California clinics provid­ing essen­tial Medicaid pre­scrip­tions to shut down. Some clinics may begin charging for drugs.

Oncology 'Masked man colored lighting'

When Coughs Become Cancerous

Early oral cancer symp­toms are often unnoticed. Late-stage throat cancer symp­toms like hoarse­ness or persis­tent cough­ing require immedi­ate evaluation.

Cardiology 'Sleeping man with CPAP'

Stop Snoring Now

You feel sluggish in the morn­ing while every­one in the house sleeps with pil­lows over their heads. Here is how every­one can get a good night's sleep.

Internist 'Operating room doctors'

International Nurses Fill Hospital Pandemic Shortage

Outdated: Billings Clinic is just one of the scores of hospitals across the U.S. looking abroad to ease a shortage of nurses worsened by the pandemic.

Internist 'High-tech doctor'

Move Healthcare Forward

Forward is ideal for either young people without health insurance or for pre-Medicare patients with insurance that want quick and easy access to health questions.


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.