ClinicalPosters News

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47 articles tagged Individual
'Lack of Grommets is Not a Mistake — It’s a Feature'

Lack of Grommets is No Mistake

ClinicalPosters high-quality lam­inate is double-thick, has luxurious satin finish, and includes UV light filters to preserve colors longer. This adds up to optimum poster for framing without gromm...

Website 'Mature Content Filters Enabled'

Mature Content Filters Enabled

This site is no substitute for childhood sex education. Features focus on protecting youths and alerting visitors to presence of mature medical content.

Website 'Share Breakfast With ClinicalPosters'

Share Breakfast With ClinicalPosters

When do you visit Clinical­Posters? Stop by during break­fast or while sipping your morning cup of coffee. This site adjusts to your individual interests.

Fulfillment 'Google Pay Shopper'

Google Pay Replaces Android

Joining over a dozen other pay­ment options, Clinical­Posters now accepts Google Pay for Android devices. If installed on your Android smart­phone or Chromebook, you’ll see Google Pay checkout option.

Fulfillment 'Enjoy The Journey With Us'

Enjoy Your Journey With Us

Customer service doesn’t end when you click the checkout button. We invite you on an interactive family excursion through enjoyable ClinicalPosters features.


Enjoy articles each week

Website 'How To Gain Access To Health Blog'

Gain Full Access To Health Blog

Anatomy poster content supple­ments Health blog articles. Gain access to all articles for free.

Marketing 'Simply Login and Enjoy Benefits'

Simply Login to Enjoy Benefits

Customer login is optional for shopping at ClinicalPosters. However, automatic medical interest discounts, a distinguishing benefit of this site, requires login. This shopping method also enables o...

Marketing 'Your Medical Specialty Has Value'

Your Medical Specialty Has Value

In an era of specialties, we are excited to offer a special way to reward the many individuals, doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators who have made ClinicalPosters their home.

Social media 'How to Save a Big Pin'

How to Save a Big Pin

Image size can vary according to the method it is pinned. For maximum-size on your Pinterest boards and best selection, install the Pinterest Browser Button plugin.

Website 'Welcome to Our Site Relaunch'

Welcome to Our Site Relaunch

ClinicalPosters brand is strengthened by new logotype, color scheme and technologies. We are migrating only blog articles that add value to the products you purchase.

Marketing 'A Shopping Cart That Follows Your Lead'

A Shopping Cart That Follows Your Lead

Outdated: Let Cart Harmony follow your trans­action, regard­less of your shopping device.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing