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41 articles tagged Fulfillment
'Become The Smartest Health Shopper'

Become The Smartest Health Shopper

Outdated: With FAQ and tabbed details on product pages, you have all the answers.

Products 'Gastroenterology Exam-Room Design Budget'

Gastroenterology Exam-Room Design Budget

Equip each medical exam room with seven framed human anatomy posters for under $400. Optional­ly share $400 of anatomi­cal models between multiple offices.

Fulfillment 'Who Is Unpacking Your Posters?'

Who Is Unpacking Your Posters?

We pack products to with­stand moderate squeezes, drops and light rain­fall. One thing we cannot complete­ly account for is damage by cust­omers after receiv­ing a package.

Fulfillment 'Albums and turntable'

Folded, Flat or Rolled Posters

Default recommendation for less than eight posters is to have them rolled in a crush-resistant tube. For best protection, a flat-box option allows posters to arrive unrolled and unfolded.

Products 'Wear Medical and Anatomical Lapel Pins'

Get Recognition You Deserve With Lapel Pins

In addition to hanging human anatomy on the wall, you can now wear anatomy on your lapel, your tie, around your neck or on your wrist.

Products 'Man having blood pressure checked'

Cardiology Teaching Products Budget

Equip each medical exam room with seven framed human anatomy posters for under $400. Optionally share $900 of anatomical models between multiple offices.

Products 'Otolaryngology Exam Room Anatomy Posters on a Budget'

Otolaryngology Exam-Room Teaching Products

Get three frames with seven interchangeable anatomy posters in two sizes. Two anatomical models can easily be shared among multiple exam rooms.

Fulfillment 'Remove Poster Curl During Delivery'

Remove Poster Curl During Delivery

Downside to rolled posters is they arrive with temporary curl. Specially rein­forced trian­gular tubes are favored by carriers. What if you want a few posters and prefer no curl?

Products 'How to Legally Film Anatomy Posters'

How to Legally Film Anatomy Posters

Obtain clear­ance for any art­work and logos depicted in video. This includes anatomy posters. Up-front extended use fees are nomi­nal com­pared to copy­right infringe­ment penalties.

Marketing '9 Things to Consider Before Distributing Posters at Conferences'

Promote Your Brand With Anatomy Posters

For conventions and mail­ings, pharma­ceutical companies, device manufac­turers, and medical groups can imprint a logo on posters with custom layout options.

Marketing 'Aurora Borealis'

Bigger, Wider, More Color! All Right!

Inventory for anatomy posters and other categories has grown. Human anatomy has entered third dimension with anatomical models, and more.

Fulfillment 'When Can I Expect Backordered Posters?'

When Backordered Posters Ship

Inventory is constantly adjusted based on dynamic demand. Some backordered items are fulfilled the same day. Other times it may take up to a month.


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