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92 articles tagged Scholarly
'Female upset by pregnancy'

Effects of Teen Pregnancy on Education

An unexpected pregnancy can interrupt high school or higher education plans. Rather than coping in isolation, get the support to overcome challenges.

Woman 'How Endometriosis Affects Pregnancy'

How Endometriosis Affects Pregnancy

Endometriosis complicates conception and pregnancy in many ways. If you conceive with this condition, have an ob-gyn monitor your health.

Mental health 'Help For Bipolar Disorder'

Gain Control of Bipolar Disorder

Uncontrollable outbursts or hyper­activity contrasting periods of depression could be signs of mental illness for which treatment is available.

Clinical science 'CRISPR Regenerative Medicine'

New Life For Regenerative Medicine

By modifying DNA, CRISPR is giving regenera­tive medi­cine a new shot in the arm. Human genetically modified organisms may combat diseases.

Mental health 'Narcissistic Behavior'

Manifesting Narcissistic Behavior

If you have narcissistic person­ality disorder, the people around you share your problem. How can this affect work relationships?

Cardiology 'Elderly man with AFib'

AFib Heart Beats Out of Control

Your heart can race when you see some­one you love. It beats even faster when run­ning a race. Or it can race out of control during atrial fibrillation.

Gastroenterology 'Hemorrhoids, Polyps, Hernias or Worse'

Hemorrhoids, Polyps, Hernias or Worse

What may appear to be similar disorders have distinct charac­teristics that a gastro­entero­logist notices.

Woman 'Asian and Caucasian making arm muscles'

Asian vs Caucasian Breast Density

Among women, one quarter as many Chinese develop breast cancer as North American. Is this because of breast density, genetics, diet, or other factors?

Woman 'Clinical Distinctions of Male vs Female Nipples'

Male vs Female Nipple Distinctions

The ultimate appearance has no standard beyond what the entertainment media pro­motes. Nipple size and color charts depict normal nipple sizes and position.

Food 'Where Does Your Meat Come From?'

Food Factorization

With in­hu­mane treat­ment of farm animals, are you ready for plant-based alternatives?

Gastroenterology 'How Do People Become Morbidly Obese?'

How People Become Morbidly Obese

When you pass obese on the BMI chart, things become laborious. Some medical conditions exacerbate weight gain. Genes and social issues increase risk.


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