'Enduring Unrequited Love'

Enduring Unrequited Love

How do you cope with the pain of not being on the receiving end of affection from someone you admire?

Mental health 'Narcissistic Behavior'

Manifesting Narcissistic Behavior

If you have narcissistic person­ality disorder, the people around you share your problem. How can this affect work relationships?

Neurology 'Welcome To A Migraine Symphony'

Welcome To A Migraine Symphony

This vivid narrative describes vertiginous migraine symptoms with orchestral language. Then it uncovers a mysterious trigger.

Addictions 'Selfie Addiction'

Selfie Culture Syndrome

Snapping self-photos can become addictive. How do you know when it has gotten out of control?

Dermatology 'Remedies for Persistent Itching'

Itching For a Cure

It is best to examine the area before scratching, which alters appearance of the skin, can cause infection and post-resolution scaring.

Mental health 'Managing Your Obsessions'

Managing Your Obsessions

Learn to prioritize. With cognitive beha­vioral therapy, this is possible for those with OCPD and to a lesser degree for someone with OCD.

Chiropractor 'Can a Chiropractor Fix Your Feet?'

Can a Chiropractor Fix Your Feet?

Breaking a foot taught me a few things about foot injury care. But I never considered a chiropractor until now.

Emotions 'Tired of Depression'

Tired of Depression

To keep you from spiraling down a path of drug depen­dency or abuse, doctors hesi­tate to pre­scribe sleep aids. Instead, they recommend talk therapy.

Nutrition 'Coronavirus News For Seniors'

Coronavirus News For Seniors

Outdated: California meals for and news about new coronavirus symptoms for senior citizens.

Fitness 'Are You Masking Serious Illness?'

Don’t Mask Serious Illness

In the absence of a well-defined body of evidence, early symptoms of percolating problems may be mis­diag­nosed or ignored.

Prescriptions 'Tolerate Opioid Not Just Pain'

Can You Tolerate Opioids?

Much of the debate involves blamestorming — fining manufacturers and punishing physicians. Are patients benefiting or suffering?


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.