
Kevin RRW, who has been writing and program­ming for decades. He provides insight­ful articles about pro­gram­­ming, creative writing, market­ing, and health.
387 articles by Kevin RRW
'Male with backache'

Kidney Stone Diagnosis Complications

Simple tasks like lifting boxes, rising out of bed, or putting on socks became a test of endurance. Why has this baffled doctors for years?

Nephrology 'Female holding stomach on sofa'

Kidney Stone vs Kidney Bullet

Patients might liken kidney stone pain to having a bullet lodged within them. Yet, treatment varies for the two scenarios.

Fitness 'Muscular fitness couple'

How To Keep Weight Off

Learn how to close the gap between starting and maintaining a healthy fitness routine.

Fitness 'Strong male swimmer in pool'

No-Sweat Swimming Benefits

The water may not be entirely fine, but come on in and make a splash to enjoy the many benefits of swimming in large pools.

Physiotherapy 'Bed stretching woman'

Simple Snake Stretch

Imagine yourself tracing an “S” or moving like a snake as you perform this simple stretching exercise in bed before rising.

Vision 'Retinal eye scan'

See Optometrist vs Ophthalmologist

Floaters, glaucoma, retinal holes, and cataracts go beyond regular care of optometrists. They can, however, be the first to recommend specialists.

Food 'No-Egg Mayonnaise'

The No-Egg Mayonnaise

Try the egg-free mayonnaise alternative without losing the taste and consistency you expect in salad dressings, and sauces.

Nutrition 'Junk food facial breakouts'

Avoid Food That Hurts

Your skin is a tattletale. It reveals the unhealthy foods and beverages you consume by breaking out with redness, acne, and eczema. Change to clear skin.

Physiotherapy 'Ankylosing Spondylitis'

Ankylosing Spondylitis Onset

If you suffer from recur­ring acute back pain, you might have a form of inflam­ma­tory arthritis that limits your mobility.

Orthopedics 'Hip pain x-ray'

Candidate For Hip Replacement

If hip pain inter­feres with sitt­ing, stand­ing, walk­ing, driv­ing, work­ing, or shop­ping, you may be a candidate for hip replacement.

Dermatology 'Woman washing face'

Good Body Hygiene

This article briefly discusses problem areas with suggestions for maintaining good hygiene in each of them.

Otolaryngology 'Smelly nose'

Putrid Nasal Polyps

Someone or something smells whenever you enter the room. Before you begin pointing fingers, consider this.


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.