
Kevin RRW, who has been writing and program­ming for decades. He provides insight­ful articles about pro­gram­­ming, creative writing, market­ing, and health.
387 articles by Kevin RRW
'Girl wearing mask'

Mask Shortage

Outdated: Demand is fueling a roller­coaster of soaring prices and mask shortages. When sup­plies are gone, will it be pos­sible to replenish inventory?

Food '26 Ways To Avoid Getting Chopped'

Avoid Getting Chopped At Home

Whether or not you appear on the Food Network, these tips will help you to make exciting dishes in your kitchen without getting chopped.

Cosmetology 'Microblading Your Scalp'

Microblading Your Scalp

Scalp microblading may not be a viable option for people with alopecia areata. Who gets it and at what cost?

Chiropractor 'Can a Chiropractor Fix Your Feet?'

Can a Chiropractor Fix Your Feet?

Breaking a foot taught me a few things about foot injury care. But I never considered a chiropractor until now.

Food 'Eat Less White Bread'

Your Bread is Too White

Could your bread, rice, crackers and pasta have too much starch and not enough fiber?

Emotions 'Tired of Depression'

Tired of Depression

To keep you from spiraling down a path of drug depen­dency or abuse, doctors hesi­tate to pre­scribe sleep aids. Instead, they recommend talk therapy.

Immunology 'PPE face mask'

Behind The Mask

Outdated: Which masks are best for virus protection? While supplies last, ClinicalPosters is selling PPE for use outside of the medical profession.

Emotions 'Breathe Easier Without Psychosomatic Illness'

Breathe Easier

At least until a coronavirus vaccine is widely available, we will be wearing masks when leaving the house. Are you prepared?

Gastroenterology 'How Do People Become Morbidly Obese?'

How People Become Morbidly Obese

When you pass obese on the BMI chart, things become laborious. Some medical conditions exacerbate weight gain. Genes and social issues increase risk.

Immunology 'Coronavirus Herd Immunity Fallacy'

Coronavirus Herd Immunity Fallacy

Outdated: Herd immunity occurs when some­one without the virus is surrounded by a barrier of those who are immune.

Dentistry 'Why Scrape Off Your Tongue'

Why Scrape Off Your Tongue

Done correctly, tongue scraping does more than freshen your breath. It enhances the flavor of foods.

Food 'You Are Not Eating What The Label Says'

Not Consuming The Foods You Think

Ingredient replacement and unlabeled supplements can trigger allergies and deceive consumers into purchasing inferior products.


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.