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42 articles tagged Kaiser Health News
'Pregnant patient seated on hospital bed'

No Time Off For Miscarriage

Following miscarriages, workers have few guarantees for time off or job-based help.

Emotions 'Troubled teens'

Troubled Teen Industry Loopholes

Residential youth treatment programs sometimes use questionable methods for behavioral health issues. Despite state laws, families still complain.

Immunology 'Home Covid Test Package'

5 Things About ‘Free’ At-Home Covid Tests

Outdated: Every person with private insurance can get full coverage for eight rapid tests a month. Now what?

Internist 'Operating room doctors'

International Nurses Fill Hospital Pandemic Shortage

Outdated: Billings Clinic is just one of the scores of hospitals across the U.S. looking abroad to ease a shortage of nurses worsened by the pandemic.

Education 'Classroom social distancing'

Parents Find Disruption Is the New Normal

Outdated: Children are used to wearing masks as part of their attire. But returning to classrooms can increase the spread of covid within homes.


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Immunology 'Home-test kit'

California Urges At-Home STI Tests

California has become the first state to require health insurance to cover at-home tests for sexually transmit­ted infections such as HIV, chlamydia, and syphilis.


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