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55 articles tagged Immunology
'Classroom social distancing'

Parents Find Disruption Is the New Normal

Outdated: Children are used to wearing masks as part of their attire. But returning to classrooms can increase the spread of covid within homes.

Immunology 'Home-test kit'

California Urges At-Home STI Tests

California has become the first state to require health insurance to cover at-home tests for sexually transmit­ted infections such as HIV, chlamydia, and syphilis.

Nutrition 'Food Allergies Interfere With Skincare'

Food Allergies Interfere With Skincare

Allergic skin sen­si­tivi­ties can disrupt the best skin­care routine. Here is how to assess the problem and improve appear­ance of your skin.

Immunology 'Handwashing gel'

What is the Covid Endgame?

Outdated: If the goal isn’t to eliminate SARS-CoV-2 infections, what is the pandemic endgame?

Immunology 'Vaccination bandage'

Post-Vaccination Effects

Outdated: Many people worry and avoid it. Others anxiously await availability. What can you expect after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?


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Immunology 'More Names For Covid'

Popular Covid Names

Depending upon how close you have become with the disease, like many people, you may adopt more casual names for 2019 Coronavirus Disease.

Immunology 'Coronavirus Vaccine Reactions'

Coronavirus Vaccine Reactions

Outdated: People are reacting to the COVID-19 virus after recovery while others react to the notion of an early vaccine promising high efficacy rates.

Clinical science 'CRISPR Regenerative Medicine'

New Life For Regenerative Medicine

By modifying DNA, CRISPR is giving regenera­tive medi­cine a new shot in the arm. Human genetically modified organisms may combat diseases.

Immunology 'Seriousness of HIV and AIDS'

HIV and AIDS Remain Serious

First identified among the homo­sexual community in 1981, by the 1990s HIV became a threat to any sexually active individual. What is today’s outlook?

Immunology 'Sick woman in bed'

What If Everyone Gets Coronavirus?

Outdated: As vaccines rollout to more people, some experts fear everyone will eventually contract COVID-19.

Immunology 'African Americans Fear Flu and Covid Vaccines'

Blacks Fear Flu and Covid Shots

A variety of rationales fuel the inocu­la­tion aversion. Few are valid but con­spir­acy theories persist, leading to adverse Covid outcomes.

Immunology 'Aerosolized Virus Too Scary to Admit'

Adapting To Aerosolized Virus

Outdated: This takes the coronavirus to a whole new level. What precautions must people take when air, in the absence of people, is contagious?


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