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27 articles tagged Cosmetology
'What Grows Thinner Over Time?'

What Grows Thinner Over Time?

Generally, it is not our waistline that thins as we age. Depending on genes and gender, another type of thinning may be inevitable.

Dermatology 'Get Scalp Psoriasis Under Control'

Get Scalp Psoriasis Under Control

Scalp itch can go beyond dandruff. Burning and severe flaking may not be relieved by OTC shampoos. These pharmaceutical and natural remedies might provide relief.

Otolaryngology 'Female face perfect symmetry'

Cosmetic Facial Reconstruction Limits

Plastic surgery is some­times a health require­ment where the end result of recon­struc­tive surgery can only be appre­ciated when compared to the initial medical anomaly.


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