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74 episodes tagged Scifi
'Female wearing space helmet'

Parallel Reflections

An unlikely source influences a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate to deceive the government space program.

Finale 'Female in birthing pool'

Frightening Conception E2

As two women discover more commonality between themselves, they explore options to prevent surmounting catastrophes.

Scifi 'Pregnant mother with legs crossed'

Frightening Conception

Premiere: A woman with a surreal sense of reality endeavors to rein in her perceptions of troubling medical conditions in this terrifying sci-fi thriller.

Finale 'Transporter stars'

Rebirth Portal E3

Most of the time the portal is a tourist attrac­tion since reach­ing age 100 is rare. Follow the lives of two who qualify to use its features.

Scifi 'Elderly man viewing building plans'

Rebirth Portal E2

A pioneer of scientific rebirth convenes with an influen­tial rebirther for a meet­ing of the minds to develop methods to cele­brate reset­ting life.

Scifi 'Mature woman transporter'

Rebirth Portal

Premiere: Scientists have discovered a method for getting a second life. But most who qualify cannot surmount two important requirements in the year 2120.

Scifi 'Female scientist with DNA'

The Day You Turned

An adult human test subject revisits childhood life to grow up within a more technically advanced world with a surpris­ing outcome in this sci-fi short story.

Scifi 'Romantic dinner table'

Technically an Archeologist E2

An innocent visit to a technology store leads to bizarre events that witnesses follow up with dinner in this sci-fi episode.

Scifi 'Velociraptor in computer store (ai)'

Technically an Archeologist

Premiere: During a visit to pick up new equipment, a techno­logy customer discovers an unlikely hero, with hopeful romance, in this sci-fi short story.

Finale 'Young African American wedding couple'

Mixed Reality Therapy E3

Discover the shocking outcome of Ronny’s decisions about whether to get married, where to live, and when to raise a family in this dramatic sci-fi conclusion.

Scifi 'African American male wears virtual reality glasses'

Mixed Reality Therapy E2

To relinquish him­self from a troubled past, a man goes beyond tradi­tional psycho­thera­py into a 3D world that is dimen­sions beyond augmented reality.


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