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8 episodes tagged History
'Escape Death E3'

Escape Death E3

During an arduous trip that defies imagination, refugees try to survive a shipwreck. With less energy than provisions, can they make it to shore?

Drama 'Walking refugee'

Escape Death E2

A Tigrayan surgeon, pushed to physical limits amid unthinkable atrocities, dares to plan an escape through military violence with a fragile family.

'Ethiopia map and flag'

Escape Death

Premiere: In this dramatic saga ripped from the headlines, empathize with a doctor’s anguish as he endeavors to save both family and patients amid civil war.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.