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34 articles tagged Marketing
'Dark reading room desk'

Promote Your Novel

Outdated: Between each new mini­series, there is usually a one-day gap. You have an opportunity to publish a linked excerpt from your book within these spaces.

Marketing 'Classroom supplies'

Back To School No-Sell

ClinicalPosters has educa­tional materials, but is not market­ing a “Back to School Sale” because the premise for such has changed.

Fulfillment 'Female scientist holding up four fingers'

Split Your Payments in Four

Outdated: This summer, for orders totaling $50 to $1000, you have the option to split payments in four monthly installments.

Marketing 'Excited people'

ClinicalPosters Affiliate Program

Outdated: Start earning commissions for directing people to the site you already know and love today.

Marketing 'Magnifying glass'

Enjoy Reading

After email-subscriber login, articles matching your interest or medical specialty queue up for easy access, also unlocking premium articles.

Social media 'Kevin on New York ferry to Staten Island'

Liking LinkedIn

ClinicalPosters benefits from Kevin’s art gallery, print shop, design studio, advertis­ing agency, and program­ming back­ground as he develops content.

Fulfillment '10 Reasons Why Customers Do Not Receive Native Art'

No Native Art Files For Customers

Artists may supply low-res PDFs or JPEG files during approval stage. The final PDF includes more resources appro­pri­ate for the designate printer.

Writing 'Article Submission for Writers'

Updates to Article Submission

Outdated: The storytelling writing style is more pre­domi­nant. Schedule shorter guest posts and adver­tis­ing according to weekly themes through­out the year.

Products 'Easy Shopping For Online Graphics'

Easy Shopping For Online Graphics

Outdated: With decades of experi­ence in the adver­tising and print­ing industry, ClinicalPosters has simpli­fied your online shopp­ing experience.

Clinical science 'How to Prepare Clinical Posters'

Preparing For Poster Sessions

An effective clinical poster presentation can have a multi-million dollar impact on a large company’s financial performance.

Marketing 'Enjoy Our Newsletter by Email'

Enjoy Our Newsletter by Email

Are you as happy about receiving A Bit More Healthy newsletter as we are to provide this valuable service?

Clinical science 'ClinicalPosters Designs Scientific Posters'

ClinicalPosters Designs Scientific Posters

Select a layout style, color palette, indicate the due date, number of visual elements, receive an instant quotation, and place your order.


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing