Covid Vaccines Safe For Pregnant
Excluded from initial testing, pregnant mothers received unclear guidance on covid vaccines. New studies indicate efficacy.

Outdated: With ever-present reminders of mortality, seniors struggle to remain hopeful during the pandemic.

This doctor thought she could navigate U.S. health care. Then her autistic son needed help.

Aduhelm Alzheimer’s Drug Controversy
Medicare and healthcare providers battle expensive drug with questionable results. Inside the tug of war over a controversial Alzheimer’s prescription.

Nurse warns that popular cocktail, called the Moscow mule, could be a health hazard due to the vessel and key ingredient.

How the tiny-home movement is providing more than just a roof to homeless people.

College Students Need Therapists
Amid a nationwide shortage, colleges and universities are struggling to keep up with the demand for mental health services.

Outdated: It’s day six of Covid, and a rapid antigen test comes back positive. stay home, say virologists.

California Clinics to Cut Medicaid Rx
Budget cuts may cause California clinics providing essential Medicaid prescriptions to shut down. Some clinics may begin charging for drugs.

Following miscarriages, workers have few guarantees for time off or job-based help.

Uterine Cancer Patients Closer to 9/11 Benefits
Advisory committee approved recommendation to add uterine cancer to the list of diseases covered for people in the vicinity of 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Troubled Teen Industry Loopholes
Residential youth treatment programs sometimes use questionable methods for behavioral health issues. Despite state laws, families still complain.
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