'My Role As A Bridesmaid'

My Role As A Bridesmaid

With my invitation to be a brides­maid, I get to have a great time wearing what is historically the worst attire in the wedding party!

Mental health 'Seated pensive man'

Working With Mental Health Stigma

Companies must make it easy for employees to request psychiat­ric help from the HR depart­ment to prevent emotional and financial repercussions.

Emotions 'Female emotional turmoil'

Vacate Wrongful Health Conviction

Life may pass you by when house­bound from chronic ill­ness. Familial compas­sion might be sup­plant­ed with suspi­cion. Can you break free from this prison?

Relationships 'Couple argues in robes'

Cope With Your Mate’s Habits

Couples who are together for decades develop coping mechan­isms to deal with each other’s habits. Learn to sepa­rate minor annoy­ances from bad habits.

Emotions 'Depressed woman'

Overcoming A Breakup

Losing your first love is hard. Divorce is devas­tat­ing. Do you try to recon­cile or move on. How can you move for­ward with this hole in your heart?

Emotions '26 Common Pet Peeves'

Avoid My Pet Peeves

Your pet peeves can make or break a relationship. Find out which things bother you and your mate. Then decide which might change or are tolerable.

Woman 'Pregnant patient seated on hospital bed'

No Time Off For Miscarriage

Following miscarriages, workers have few guarantees for time off or job-based help.

Emotions 'Troubled teens'

Troubled Teen Industry Loopholes

Residential youth treatment programs sometimes use questionable methods for behavioral health issues. Despite state laws, families still complain.

Nutrition 'Woman bingeing on donut'

You Can’t Compete With Bulimia

Binging and purg­ing to main­­tain a com­fort­­able appear­­ance is not a strategy. It is a health problem.

Mental health 'Self-Injury Cuts on Arm'

Cutting Pattern of Self-Injury

Are you prone to cut, burn, or hurt yourself in other ways to cope with emotional stresses? Help is available before it becomes a pattern.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.