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116 episodes tagged Romance
Finale 'Sad phone call'

Monocular Tutor E7

A once devoted fiancé, who appears to lose all control, suffers the consequences for his actions in this series finale

Romance 'Couple arguing'

Monocular Tutor E6

Bad decision repercussions are now directing Lloyd’s life course. Surmounting conflicts in less-than-ideal relationships tests his emotional limits.

Romance 'Female profile crying'

Monocular Tutor E5

With the hormonal immaturity of a teen, Lloyd tries to juggle a publicly flirtatious classmate with a secret fiancé.


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Romance 'Couple in backseat'

Monocular Tutor E4

Lloyd and Rebecca must overcome some challenges to maintain a secret romance.

Romance 'Female exposing shoulder'

Monocular Tutor E3

A college art instructor and student exceed the ethical boundaries of private tutoring.

Romance 'Couple dine for dinner'

Monocular Tutor E2

Most fine artists channel creativity through a muse. But Lloyd pushes societal boundaries in his quest for one.

Romance 'Art students classroom'

Monocular Tutor

Premiere: An adolescent life, complicated by a series of bad decisions in the name of love, has far-reaching consequences in this romance miniseries.

Finale 'Black car speeding on highway'

Shadows of Silence E2

An unlikely couple navigates deceit and danger for justice in a town filled with secrets, setting off a chain of events that forever changes their lives.

Thriller 'Menacing fighter (ai)'

Shadows of Silence

Premiere: Sometimes, chance encounters create heroes. Brace yourself for a heart-pounding journey, as a simple question triggers an extraordinary mystery.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


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