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172 episodes tagged Mystery
'Female squeezes pillow'

Augmented Life Therapy E6

Ronald is confused with the options Beverly sets before him, but hopefully makes the right choice.

Mystery 'Black woman with hand on face'

Augmented Life Therapy E5

After contacting an unlikely relative, Beverly conspires on a method of testing her relationship that is growing momentum.

Mystery 'Waffles brunch'

Augmented Life Therapy E4

The new couple review embarrassing moments that could hinder their relationship from moving forward.

Mystery 'Pensive female'

Augmented Life Therapy E3

Ronald and Beverly must decide if their relationship is predicated on her looking and acting like his former lover.

Mystery 'Female sipping milkshake'

Augmented Life Therapy E2

Following termination of their doctor-patient professional relationship, a couple stumbles though initial romantic social interaction.

Mystery 'Personal psychotherapy'

Augmented Life Therapy

Sequel: A patient of prior high-tech psychotherapy returns for an unexpected update on new technology.

Scifi 'Female wearing space helmet'

Parallel Reflections

An unlikely source influences a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate to deceive the government space program.

Finale 'Female in birthing pool'

Frightening Conception E2

As two women discover more commonality between themselves, they explore options to prevent surmounting catastrophes.

Scifi 'Pregnant mother with legs crossed'

Frightening Conception

Premiere: A woman with a surreal sense of reality endeavors to rein in her perceptions of troubling medical conditions in this terrifying sci-fi thriller.

Thriller 'Lifelike female mannequin head'

Mysterious Padlow Mannequins

Disappearances provoke suspicions as a designer achieves living-legend status by creating manne­quins that are so life­like, that they replace salespersons.

Thriller 'Dim lit female crouching'

Love Obsession E7

Heather celebrates a mile­stone in her relation­ship with Ryan, as she dangles bait for him to follow.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

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