Trent hails the mainland, above island prospects while contemplating a purposeful life in this heartwarming conclusion.

A slip of the tongue leads to a mind-bending union that finds Trent questioning not only his destiny in life, but also his very sanity.

Trent loses his grasp of reality as he begins speaking to real or imagined figures to cope with interminable isolation.

Premiere: A nurse on the verge of a mental breakdown seeks refuge in solitude following tragic events that test his sanity.

Embark on a thrilling journey through the depths of time to unveil a mysterious phenomenon that defies the laws of aging.

Will a mysterious and attractive woman work her way into Marlon’s heart and his apartment, building trust and a possible partnership?

Premiere: An unassuming Internet gamer discovers a way to break free from his agoraphobic existence. But will the escape lead to something he treasures?

After identifying the cause of Ryan’s blackouts, he must face a rigorous journey, unlike any he has ever experienced in this emotional conclusion.

Premiere: In the heart of a bustling corporate world, Randal, an unassuming man, finds himself on an intriguing journey that defies explanation.

The mysterious death of a promising medical student sends shockwaves throughout the campus, launching a murder investigation.

Premiere: A medical student with a passion for life meets an untimely demise, becoming a classroom cadaver for her peers.

Learn what happens when mystery writer, Zane, challenges his waking abilities by capitalizing on the enigmatic aura of barely conscious creativity.
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