
Build a better website for blogging or e-Commerce with tips on writing, programming, and marketing.

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58 articles tagged Website
'Glowing AI computer chip (ai)'

How to Remain Relevant With AI

Are you spending thousands of hours and as many dollars maintaining a website only to see decreases in visitors? Why is this happening and what can you do about it?

Fulfillment 'Female using computer on sofa'

Does Copyright Still Matter?

Understanding copyright significance in the digital age ensures the continued production of high-quality creative works.

Technology 'Man riding rollercoaster (ai)'

12 Strategies to Build Site Traffic

As a webmaster in an ever-changing technological landscape, follow these strategies to keep your pages relevant in the eyes of fresh website visitors.

Technology 'Female face with AirPods'

Listen BeyondWords

With competition heating up, has BeyondWords created friction with their rollout of a totally new text-to-speech SAS web application?

Writing 'Young woman reading phone message'

Three Obstacles to Blog Reading

Are you struggling to attract readers to your blog? Learn how to overcome the top three obstacles to blog reading and boost your readership.

Programming 'Surprised young girls profiles'

Speak My Language

How do you consume or provide content for a multi-ethnic audience in native languages? Technology is closing the gap with these solutions.

Programming 'Programmers hands on keyboard'

Multiple Tags For Shopify Blog

Shopify blogging is incredibly versatile because site owners have access to underlying code. Here’s a way to make multiple filter selections easy.

Technology 'Robot using computer'

Your Website is Lost

This is the year of AI. The powerful technology is writing itself to become more versatile. It is one reason why your web traffic is decreasing. What are you doing abut it?

Website 'Blonde woman peeking through fence'

How to Monetize Blogs

Are you considering affiliate links, sponsored ads, or a paywall? Read about current trends before making a decision on how to make your website profitable.

Website 'Young female with laptop computer at table'

Advantages of Multiple Blogs

Having an insufficient number of blogs can be just as detrimental as having too many. How do you know if you are ready to create another blog?

Writing 'Young black woman with smartphone'

How to Engage Readers

With more keyboards typing and more books published than ever before, people read less. How can you engage readers longer in your books and on websites?

Writing 'Woman sits with laptop on her lap and cappuccino in her hand'

How to Grow Your Blog Readership

If you are looking for a way to bring more traffic to your online blog, here is how to grow your blog readership.


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

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