
Build a better website for blogging or e-Commerce with tips on writing, programming, and marketing.

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48 articles tagged Shopify
'RSS feed blocks'

Enable Selective Shopify RSS

Hooray! RSS feeds for Shopify blogs are working. Manage multiple blogs on your site with a little Liquid programming code modification.

Programming 'Female podcaster'

Text-to-Speech Website

Activate text-to-speech on your website for longer visitor engage­lment. Use global Shopify settings to upgrade later.

Writing 'Anxious female computer user'

Avoid Online Writing Dangers

You can lose your work when typing into an online blog portal. Here are three dangers, along with ways to prevent disaster.

Programming 'Network security'

Anti-Spam Blog Comments

If your blog articles include an option to leave a comment, you can block SPAM by requiring user login and stripping HTML from their remarks.

Programming 'Hairstylist trimming hair'

Variable-Length Web Page Titles

Occasionally, page title plus store name exceeds opti­mum length. This simple modifica­tion suppresses the addi­tion of your store name when necessary.

Programming 'Happy female faces'

Programmed Gender Identification

To distinguish clothing or healthcare products, you can use customer login and Liquid programming to approximate visitor gender.

Writing 'Artificial Intelligence Writing'

AI-Powered Blog Posts

If you are feeling over­whelmed with the amount of writing necessary to run a business, you might consider using artificial intelligence.

Programming 'Woman hiding behind sweater'

Hide a Shopify Blog

Proofreading a high volume of blog articles involves many checks for accuracy and, perhaps, multiple proof­readers. Hiding work in progress is helpful.

Programming 'Turbo earth'

Add Shopify Turbo Mode

How can developers and partners prevent end users from wading through dozens of Shopify Theme options to improve site performance?

Programming 'Hip Hop Dancers'

Can’t Print This

What happens when a website visitor selects the print option while viewing your page? You can control which page elements print.

Website 'Business trio with laptop computer'

Website Automation

Does your business run or do you run your business? Pick an e-commerce platform to ease the burden of running a business.

Programming 'Disable a Customer Account'

Disable a Customer Account

Do you need to prevent speci­fic custo­mers from check­ing out on your web­site? It is a step down from the nuclear option of disabling your store.


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.