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113 episodes tagged Romance
'Palazzo Medici Courtyard'

Breath of Paradise

Premiere: A 15th-century commercial building designer feels his value diminishing as the Renaissance era catapults other architects into the spotlight, where history, geography, and romance merge.

Finale 'Female judge reads document'

Evacuate Traditions E8

With felony criminal charges looming, an attorney strategizes a long-game chess defense that lands Mark behind bars without bail in this dramatic conclusion.

Mystery 'Meeting with attorney'

Evacuate Traditions E7

In a clash between civil, federal, and military law, a lawyer must piece together the best criminal defense for his client.

Mystery 'Female victim on floor'

Evacuate Traditions E6

The first time Mark leaves his new wife, serious problems develop. So he rushes home to a chaotic situation.

Mystery 'Green suburban home'

Evacuate Traditions E5

On the journey to better understand each other, the newly married couple breaks the news to relatives before moving into their new home.

Mystery 'Woman wearing green Niqab'

Evacuate Traditions E2

The heart of an American soldier with Jewish roots is drawn to a beautiful Afghanistan woman in deplorable conditions.

'American soldiers in Afghanistan'

Evacuate Traditions

Premiere: In this novella mystery miniseries, discover whether a happen­stance romance between strangers with different religious backgrounds finds accept­ance as years of war end.

Scifi 'Romantic dinner table'

Technically an Archeologist E2

An innocent visit to a technology store leads to bizarre events that witnesses follow up with dinner in this sci-fi episode.

'Technically an Archeologist E1'

Technically an Archeologist

Premiere: During a visit to pick up new equipment, a techno­logy customer discovers an unlikely hero, with hopeful romance, in this sci-fi short story.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

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