With felony criminal charges looming, an attorney strategizes a long-game chess defense that lands Mark behind bars without bail in this dramatic conclusion.

In a clash between civil, federal, and military law, a lawyer must piece together the best criminal defense for his client.

The first time Mark leaves his new wife, serious problems develop. So he rushes home to a chaotic situation.

On the journey to better understand each other, the newly married couple breaks the news to relatives before moving into their new home.

With courtship out of sequence, a newlywed couple shares intimate secrets to become familiar with one another.

Knowing little about one another, a newlywed couple connects in intimate ways as their relationship blossoms.

The heart of an American soldier with Jewish roots is drawn to a beautiful Afghanistan woman in deplorable conditions.

Premiere: In this novella mystery miniseries, discover whether a happenstance romance between strangers with different religious backgrounds finds acceptance as years of war end.
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