Are You Missing Out?
Rigorous security filters are used to safely deliver email messages. The majority of our customers are part of corporations with dedicated IT departments. Email originating outside their firewalls is sometimes treated like toxic waste. Explicit headers indicate that links may cause potential harm to a network of computers. Recipients might fear they must wear a hazmat suit to interact with messages. No wonder not every customer subscribes to A Bit More Healthy newsletter. Many of those who do, are frightened to click a link.
Fears, in general, are warranted. Opening an email is inherently more risky than reading a physical postcard arriving through snail mail. Avoidance of transactional email can result in product delivery delays or miss notification of special offers. Fortunately, you have options.
Different Ways to Access Information
Online: ClinicalPosters website is available 24/7, offering answers to FAQs and secure customer login. Track packages, view order history, reorder products, and access premium content in over a hundred languages.
Social media: Visit the ClinicalPosters handle on Twitter or Pinterest.
Newsletter: A Bit More Healthy newspaper summarizes recent News and Health blog articles.
Shop iOS app: Shop is available on the App Store and a link is provided during checkout. It allows customers to view up-to-the-minute tracking information regarding their packages.
Shop, from Shopify, has deep integration with Gmail but can be used with other email clients. Read its separate privacy and access notifications.
The information within Shop is also available on the customer status page. A link is emailed (or sent via SMS) with every order confirmation.
Getting back to email, whether you receive a transactional message from or a notification of special offers, corporate customers can ask IT departments to whitelist this domain. Spam filters often include the ability to “whitelist” certain sender IP addresses, email addresses, or domain names to protect their email from being rejected or sent to a junk mail folder.
However we connect, ClinicalPosters would love to hear back from you. Share what you think of the site and international shipping products.