ClinicalNovellas Drama and Media Benefits
ClinicalNovellas provides an opportunity for drama, media, and design students to engage in creative activities and real-world project experiences.
ClinicalNovellas as an Educational Platform
A library of immersive fiction as a tool for student engagement, with narrative analysis on social, psychological, philosophical, and medical themes.
ClinicalPosters has educational materials, but is not marketing a “Back to School Sale” because the premise for such has changed.
Outdated: As someone who hosts several Zoom meetings each week and trains others to do so, I want to share a few tips to minimize frustration of participants.
Shelter-in-place orders leave companies and conference organizers scrambling for virtual meeting solutions.
If Scientific Conference is Canceled
ClinicalPosters designs and supplies both paper and digital scientific posters for medical conferences so you will not be left without a backup plan.
You Might Not Have The Stones To Wear Diamonds
Diamonds are the most expensive gems, so substitutes of varying degrees of quality are worn, including Cubic Zirconia and moissanite.
How to Clean and Preserve Jewelry
How valuable is your jewelry? Do you know how to clean it properly? Can you prevent silver jewelry from turning dark? Should a clear coating be applied?
ClinicalPins are stylish and decorative lapel or breast pins that beautifully communicate interests of men or women, doctors or nurses and patients or professionals.
Begin planning for Pi Day by learning what it is, why it is useful and how to impress anyone who asks. Most important, where are the best pizza recipes?
Our Anatomical Models Are Not On Catwalks
ClinicalPosters supplies hospitals, medical groups and universities with anatomical models. Bulk discounts are available with as few as four of each.
Why Do Patients Purchase Anatomy Posters?
Don’t be shy about purchasing anatomy posters if your only credential is Dr. Mom. Just be certain not to self-diagnose and treat yourself. Leave that to professionals.