Highlights From 2018
With your help, the website redesign has netted positive results. A 157 percent increase in visitors (over a quarter million) and 138 percent more pageviews (nearly 400 thousand) is noted for the 2018 calendar year. Almost 20 thousand Pinterest followers generate more than 2 million monthly impressions on that platform. For key search phrases, ClinicalPosters is often on the first page of Google. An average of two blog articles per week contribute to the growing number of visitors. Health articles can be read for free by subscribers to A Bit More Healthy newsletter.
During 2018, this website has become more responsive, hence portable. We met the challenge of GDPR compliance—transparency and security meant for Europe that benefits all users. A line of beautiful 22x28 inch anatomy posters fill out our inventory. Educational anatomy models are now available.
The website dynamically translates into over 100 languages. Currency conversion benefits international shoppers. Free North America shipping is available with ClinicalPosters Plus paid annual subscription. ClinicalPosters shoppers can log in with an Amazon account. Yet, the greatest accomplishment has been the personalization of content to match your interests upon login.
Disabled Site Features
During 2018, ClinicalPosters tested several features to enhance visitor shopping experience. At the end of the year, their effectiveness was assessed. The following features were poor performers and have therefore been eliminated:
- Bulk Order Entry
- Medical Specialty Discounts
- Product Reviews
- Wishlists
Most of these features rely on third-party servers. An immediately noticeable benefit to their elimination is faster performance.
Looking Forward to 2019
Shining a light on the new year, ClinicalPosters is offering a full line of anatomical lapel pins and brooches. Medical specialty charms can be worn around your neck or wrist. This is a natural extension of the anatomy posters and models that we offer. Look for flash sales during specific hours and monthly promotions conveniently featured on the home page and shopping cart.
We have been educating customers about the advantages of DeuPair Frames:
- Unlike DeuPair Frames, normal frames are static
- Patient visits are dynamic
- Display the required poster in seconds
To further drive home the message in a few words, the motto within the footer of website pages and conveyed through various marketing materials is this: “Get frames for each office with posters for each patient.” Here is a little video created to reinforce the message.
Thanks for visiting our website in its revised format. Any success must ultimately be attributed to you. Tell your friends and colleagues about your great experiences and recommend they shop at ClinicalPosters. New technologies will roll out in the months ahead. Subscribe to A Bit More Healthy newsletter to keep informed.
DeuPair, DeuPair Flip Frame, and DeuPair Pocket Frame are trademarks of ClinicalPosters.