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Blog commenting is a form of social media engagement. Third-party commenting resources, like Disqus, allow participants to follow threads or authors. Though you can add this to Shopify websites, I have noticed several on the web report user login errors.

In my testing, I can log in with my Disqus account and post/view comments. But this is required for each article. Attempts to log in with a social media account like Twitter display an error message.

In the battle between spammers and legitimate commenters, who will win? Sacrificing more engagement—specific notification of a reply—ClinicalPosters is utilizing the Shopify commenting system with some tweaks.


Spammers are the most prolific commenters. They advertise their products or link to questionable websites. Even with moderation on, this tempts most bloggers to disable commenting

Another approach is to require login. Though not foolproof, the extra step thwarts most robots—especially when reCAPTCHA is enabled. Using additional text parsing, this site strips HTML and truncates messages at the first link—effectively eliminating SPAM.

With the aforementioned precautions, ClinicalPosters blogs include more links to the comment section for easier access. We hope to hear from you soon. With moderation on, receive approval for your insightful expressions.

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