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At a bare minimum, you provide an email and login password.

It doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong. Your browsing prefe­rences and shopping history should be both acces­si­ble to you and secure. We feel the same way about our online privacy. That’s why ClinicalPosters allows visitors to log in.

Creating an account does not require purchasing anything. At a bare minimum, you provide an email address and login password. Your name and preferred medical specialty/interest are recommended for optimum site configuration.

Popular shopping sites and social media plat­forms make login manda­tory. Currently, ClinicalPosters login is optional so a wider variety of users have access to much of the content. Some images are obscured and pages suppressed for unregis­tered users. Some pages also require news­letter subscrip­tion.

As a registered subscriber, you receive a curated home page and blog list when you log in. Easily navi­gate from your account page or quick-link banners. Special offers are periodi­cally emailed to you. So while others are on the out­side looking in, you enjoy a private selection of products and articles curated to match your interests. Access online privacy details within the footer on most pages on this website.

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