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26 Extraordinary Figure Painters 3

Female painting on canvas

Contemporary Artist Biographies

Listed below are the various styles of some favorite artists in alpha­beti­cal order. Any who do not wish to be included will be removed upon request. Click respec­tive names to visit full image on Pinterest:

  1. Lee Price (American),
    The hyperreal figurative paintings by Price frequently are arial views of females submerged in water or sweets.

  2. Odile Richer (French-Canadian, b. 1978),
    Richer paints stunning realism canvases of beautiful women with satin fabrics and intricate wallpapers represented exclusively by RJD Gallery.

  3. Barry Ross Smith (New Zealand, b. 1964),
    Smith details farm and beach-scene impressionist paintings with an observa­tional quality that evokes memories of casual glances into everyday life.

  4. Sharon Sprung (American, b. 1953),
    Sprung includes intricate fabric patterns in many of her figurative realistic oil paintings.

  5. Adrienne Stein (American, b. 1986),
    Primarily working with acrylics, Stein often captures flora and femininity within her figurative realism paintings.

  6. Gianni Strino (Italian, b. 1953),
    Strino has a delicate impressionist brush style that his quite capable daughter inherited—Francesca Strino (b. 1979).

    Gianni Strino

    Francesca Strino

  7. Joseph Todorovitch (b. 1978),
    Viewed from a distance or with a quick glance, Todorovitch impressionist paintings appear quite realistic. But leisurely examination reveals intentionally visible stylistic brush strokes.

  8. Aaron Westerberg (b. 1974),
    Westerberg generally focuses on one subject within his beautiful figurative impressionist paintings, preferring to texturize the background.

Follow works of contemporary artists in the Art of The Kiss Paintings

Artist contact information is provided on their respective websites to address acquisition inquiries. Let me know in the comment section below if you would like to see additional featured artists. There are many more to explore on Pinterest.

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