
Barber or Hairstylist Career?

Bearded male hairstylist

More than a million people are licensed as cosme­tolo­gists in the United States and several million work as hairdressers.

Begin A Career With Less Debt

Should you become a cosmetolo­gist or a barber? You might view cosme­to­logy as a field of study one pursues during night school. Across the United States, schools charge an average of $17,000 for a certifi­cate. It can cost more than $20,000. Iowa is the strict­est, requiring 2,100 hours of instruction.

Graduates sometimes begin offering hair and facial treat­ments from their homes until acquiring enough clientele to rent out a booth. Many obtain minimum-wage jobs to pay off student loans. With much hard work, graduates may dream of eventu­ally owning their shop and perhaps renting out booth space to others. All of this may not materialize but some­thing is certain: It is a rigorous field of study that is popular.

What is a Cosmetologist?

Barber or Hairstylist Career?

The word cosmetology comes from a Greek word that means “beautifying.” Is your definition limited to personal experi­ence, positive or otherwise? Skills within the field are quite broad. Cosmetolo­gists receive training and are licensed to perform cosmetic treat­ments to hair, skin, and nails.

Areas of cosmetology specializa­tion include skin care, cosme­tics, manicures/pedicures, hair­styling, hair removals such as waxing and sugaring, electrolysis or intense pulsed light. Hairstyling includes cutting, coloring, exten­sions, braiding, perms, or eye­brow shaping. So anyone with hair, skin, or nails is a potential customer!

Many chemicals in salon products pose potential health risks. The “toxic trio” is often part of the ingre­dient list in nail polish, hair dyes, and nail polish removers (formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate). Allergies and dermatitis have forced nearly 20 percent of hair­dressers to end their profes­sion. Learning how chemi­cals interact deter­mine which services can safely be offered within one salon.

Dermatologists are doctors with much more extensive training than cosmetologists. Whether derma­tolo­gists or cosme­tolo­gists, ClinicalPosters custo­mers who log in with either a dermatology or cosmetology preference have immediate access to all things relating to hair, skin and nails. There are some lapel pins and charms more suited to hair­stylists than dermatology.

How Barbers Differ From Hairstylists

You can become a licensed barber in as little as 6 months. Barber schools provide a compre­hen­sive educa­tion in men’s hair care and grooming. Hands-on course­work includes hair cutting, shaving, straight razor tech­niques, honing and stropping, shampoo­ing, scalp massage, perma­nent treat­ments, hair coloring, mustache, and beard design.

Barbershop tuition can range from $2,000 to $16,000 depending on the school—capping out where cosmeto­logy tuition begins. In addition to the technical aspects of the job, barber schools provide students with an education in profes­sional ethics, steriliza­tion and sanita­tion, common skin disorders, business manage­ment, and interpersonal skills.

Licensing require­ments vary from state to state but generally require the success­ful comple­tion of a written exam and perhaps sometimes a demonstra­tion of skill. With much less training, a barber can earn the same, if not more, than the average hairstylist.

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To support the writing of useful articles about cosmetology, ClinicalPosters sells human anatomy charts, scientific posters, and other products online. You may sponsor specific articles or remit a small donation.

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