
Guest Article Submission 2024

Caucasian female typing hands (ai)

Staff writers produce most articles. Though ClinicalPosters is accepting fewer guest posts, publication of submissions that conform to professional writing standards is sometimes possible.

Guidelines For Writers and Reviewers

ClinicalPosters has a significant investment in technology to highlight and discover useful articles on this site. Readers can combine keyword filters. Predictive search returns relevant results more quickly. The workflow includes social media posts. Many other ways to feature complimentary articles exist. There are options to display author and reviewer names.

This website hosts blogs for different audiences. Writers, programmers, and artists work hundreds of hours to keep this site beautiful and informative. The publication queue for different blogs ranges from a few weeks to more than a year. ClinicalReads Health is most popular for guest submissions.

Preferable topics relate to poster categories. Cardiology, chiropractor, clinical science, cos­meto­logy, dentistry, dermato­logy, endo­crino­logy, educa­tion, fitness, gastro­entero­logy, geron­to­logy, immuno­logy, internist, market­ing, mental health, nephro­logy, neuro­logy, nutri­tion, ob-gyn, onco­logy, ortho­pe­dics, oto­laryn­go­logy, pedi­atrics, physio­logy, physio­therapy, podiatry, pul­mono­logy, rheuma­tology, technology, uro­logy, vision, writing.

Women’s health topics are often favorites. ClinicalNovellas is a collection of fictional stories that link to ClinicalReads Health articles. This sometimes determines desirable health topics.

The following guidelines cover key areas to improve the quality of article submissions.

  1. Pithy title. Each article has two titles. One is the visible title of five words or less. This allows it to display as small text on the home page for several weeks without truncation. Third-party search engines may also optimize the alternate meta title. This alternate hidden title can be up to 50 characters.
  2. Subheadings. We encourage subheadings throughout articles to help orientate readers. These should be descriptive terms that encourage engagement, not generic headings like “In Conclusion.”
  3. Article and paragraph length. Short paragraphs are appealing. Two to four sentences represent a comforta­ble length for most digital devices. Aim for article length between 500 and 1000 words.
  4. Sentence length. Avoid run-on sentences. Cognitive overload occurs when reading some­thing several times to comprehend it. Readers will leave the page if they don’t understand the article.
  5. Reduce passive voice. It is possible to combine present and future events in one passive-voice sentence. Bad example: This weakens the force­fulness and will be discouraged by gram­mar checkers. Good example: Grammar checkers dis­courage this since it weakens the forcefulness.
  6. Reading grade level. The optimum reading level attracting the widest audience is grade 5 or below. We will only accept those over grade 9 under exceptional circumstances.
  7. Internal article links. Your research should include searching this website for parallel articles. Some points are worth repeating. But if there is already another compre­hensive article, refer to it within your text.
  8. External article links. Guest submissions may include one do-follow link exchange. List any additional external links as references at the bottom of the article.
  9. Reciprocal link. Linking to ClinicalPosters from other sites increases visibility and expands readership.
  10. Use of artwork. ClinicalPosters subscribes to specific stock art sites to prevent copyright violations. Therefore, guest authors need not include any. Embedding them within your submission increases the file size.
  11. Validation. Submissions must pass several checks before publication. Hemingway Editor flags passive voice, difficult-to-read sentences, and grade level. Grammarly corrects improper word usage and phrasing. AI Content Detector highlights generative sentences.

Use of AI for Writing

It is helpful to explain best practices for artificial intelligence. Since we validate submissions with an AI Detector app, do not instruct a chatbot to write an article for you. Telltale signs are repetitive, verbose, sentences with a grade 12 or higher reading level. It is also difficult to have it conform to the above guidelines.

AI can provide critiques. After completing your article, type, “Provide a critique for this:” above it. If any of the suggestions are unclear, ask for an example. An AI coach can elevate your writing quality while retaining human authenticity.

Why Your Article Gets Rejected

The proliferation of AI-generated stories has a significant impact on acceptance. Some articles do not conform to ClinicalPosters writing standards. Internal writers can better use their time writing an article than correcting a non-compliant submission. Authors lacking writing experience need not apply.

There are many technical aspects to writing. The most important requirement is that the story must be interesting to read. Discover many more suggestions within ClinicalInsights by clicking the “writing” filter.

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