
What Will Be Your Legacy?

Man delivering non-denominational outdoor eulogy

Whether you are shy or gregarious, your lifelong interactions determine how people will remember you.

Youthful Opportunities

Life is precious. It is why we visit doctors to preserve it. You might rise early to strap on tennis shoes and run to the gym even in inclement weather. A fist full of vitamins may accompany your breakfast.

To the youth, elders often pose the question, “What will you do with your life?” Will you fizzle as a YouTube sensation or a celebrity etched in a digital cinematic vault? Will your wisdom, generosity, or social interactions linger several decades into the future?

A Mature Perspective

What impact does one life have on society at large? A sense of imminent death moves people to leave the world with a noteworthy accomplishment. Some people write memoirs. Others run marathons or climb mountains. There may be a desire to make amends with those estranged. Still, others begin completing a bucket list.

The sad truth is that after the memorial talk or eulogy, most everyone eventually becomes a faint memory. Grandparents accept their progeny as their legacy. Those without offspring may prefer a more tangible monument like a statue or plaque on a hospital wall.

When my father’s time was approaching, he stressed that this was my world now. He had no more aspirations or opinions for improving it. Like a reptile shading its skin, the Earth sheds its population about every 100 years. Few centenarians remain.

In the end, wealth nor fame can prevent death. Instead of amassing material objects destined for the hands of heirs and dumpsters, leave an impression on the hearts of the next generation.

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To support the writing of useful articles about emotions, ClinicalPosters sells human anatomy charts, scientific posters, and other products online. You may sponsor specific articles or remit a small donation.

ClinicalPosters sells human anatomy charts, scientific posters, and other products online to offset expense of the writing useful articles about emotions. Slide extra posters into DeuPair Frames without removing from the wall.

ClinicalPosters sells human anatomy charts, scientific posters, and other products online. You may remit a small donation.

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